Re: F-9 to F-10 preupgrade is rather mean

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Timothy Murphy wrote:
I noticed that the preupgrade install carefully removed
all F-9 boot material -
not only vmlinuz and initrd, but also the /lib/modules/ files.
Unless something was changed recently, the idea is that pre-upgrade simply retrieves the minimal rpms needed to upgrade a specific system, then adds an additional grub boot item for upgrade.
When you reboot and choose upgrade, essentially a normal anaconda based 
upgrade occurs, with the same questions you'd normally get, and the same 
This would include removing old kernels from /boot, and updating 
packages ( a two step process - install newer rpms, cleanup bits left 
over from old rpm that was updated ).
/lib/modules comes from the kernel, so I would expect to only have 
modules for the most recent installed kernel in there after the upgrade.
I have noticed during install/upgrade that kernel install occurs 80% 
into the process; did your install finish normally ?

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