Re: want to prevent people from making mistakes?

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Jeff Spaleta wrote:
The the current lifetime is an honest representation of the amount of
contributor support that we have on hand.   The Fedora Legacy
sub-project was attempted but it did not have enough contributor
support to be self-sustaining.
Which reminds me of something I was thinking of earlier today...  A lot 
of Ubuntu users point to the longer support lifetime of Ubuntu's regular 
releases as one of the reasons they choose not to use Fedora.  I'm 
surprised that a company which isn't profitable is able to maintain as 
many releases as they do.  On the other hand, it looks like in April, 
Canonical was discussing a scale-back to supporting only LTS releases 
and the current release.  From the votes and my own speculation, I think 
it's likely that they will, eventually.  I wonder how that will change 
the user base...
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