Re: Selinux and Firefox

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stan wrote:
Jim wrote:

On a Box with Five Users, one user is having problems with, when starting Firefox, Selinux continues to pop up with error message, if you shut down one error message, immediately another will pop up. Could it be a problem with the /home/user/.mozilla directory that Selinux doesn't like ? , I was thinking of deleting .mozilla and let Firefox build a new one.
Again the other four users are not having any problems with 
I don't run KDE and SELinux is Greek to me, but what is the error message, and does SETroubleshooter (the yellow star) recommend a fix? That will probably help others respond.
It was the /user/.macromedia directory that was causing Selinux to send errors, I ran the recommened command to correct selinux but that didn't help so I just sent the .macromedia directory to the trashcan and it regenerated a new .macromedia directory and no more problems with Selinux.
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