Re: want to prevent people from making mistakes?

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--- On Sat, 12/6/08, Richard England <rlengland@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Richard England <rlengland@xxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: want to prevent people from making mistakes?
> To: "Community assistance, encouragement, and advice for using Fedora." <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008, 7:54 PM
> Richard England wrote:
> > Linuxguy123 wrote:
> >> On Sat, 2008-12-06 at 10:16 -0800, Richard England
> wrote:
> >>  
> >>> Jose Celestino wrote:
> >>> 
> >>> FWIW,  F10 is working fine on two systems
> here, one a self built, the other is an older Toshiba
> Satellite laptop.  I have yet to encounter any of the issues
> that Fred has.
> >>>     
> >> 
> >> So because it works fine on your *2* systems, its
> a good release ?
> >> 
> >> For the record, I have zero problems with the
> networking stuff that
> >> people are complaining about and dual displays
> work excellent for me,
> >> day in and day out.
> >> That doesn't mean I think those features are
> great for everyone.
> >> 
> >>   
> > Not at all.  But anyone new to a forum like this will
> get the idea that 1,2,even 10 people with problems will
> reflect the stability or overall usefulness of a release. My
> posting was an attempt to point out that the release works
> for some and not for others.  It is the nature of Fedora to
> stretch the limits and issues are going to arise.
> > 
> > When a release does _not_ work, file a bug report, ask
> for assistance and if you can't get it to function, find
> a work around or, if you must, move to another (for you)
> more stable release of Fedora or another release altogether.
> > 
> > Telling everyone that the release is non-functional
> and should be recalled is not productive and wastes
> everyone's bandwidth.
> > 
> > ~~R
> > 
> > 
> BTW, be careful with the attribution of statements.  From
> the above editing it appears that Joe Celestino  made the
> comments that were made by me.  Some people become very
> upset by this (and at time, justifiably so).
> ~~R
> -- fedora-list mailing list
> fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
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BTW, be careful with the attribution of statements.???

I never tried nor would I try to install F10 now.

I'd have to be out of my mind. I just spent many hours getting Oracle 11g1, PHP 526 and MySQL 5 squared away 100%.

Remedial Reading 101

having 43 brilliant years in programming and EE, I have always noticed that my wisdom is always ALWAYS met by retorts from those of far less ability. I'd truly worry if they didn't complain!

Many learn a little admin and think of themselves as a god.

I see the same thing in other little worlds. Flying, scuba, skydiving, tennis. et al. You'd be surprised to see how many airline pilots don't really understand aerodynamics! They fly like robots!

A EE prof and others have said over and over again:

"Fred you are always right!"

so...excuse me while I switch to XP prof to install MySQL, PHP and Oracle
having been 100% successful under F9

>From the movie "don't go away mad, just go away!"


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