Re: root in FC 10

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--- On Sat, 12/6/08, Mikkel L. Ellertson <mikkel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> From: Mikkel L. Ellertson <mikkel@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
> Subject: Re: root in FC 10
> To: "Community assistance, encouragement, and advice for using Fedora." <fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx>
> Date: Saturday, December 6, 2008, 7:19 PM
> Fred Silsbee wrote:
> > 
> > 
> > You don't see it do you! What you are proposing
> > would take a massive intricate system to protect
> people from
> > themselves. SELINUX is already a super mess
> duplicating controls
> > already in place and adding to the CPU burden.
> >  
> You are the one that does not see it. SELinux does not
> duplicate the
> existing controls. It provides a finer grade of control.
> Times
> change, and the need for security changes with them. There
> was a
> time when services like telnet, and rlogin were secure
> enough for
> network use. Would you advocate using them now? I
> wouldn't.
> > 
> > that is why root has its own password
> > 
> > Oregon once had a law prohibiting people pumping gas
> into their own cars.
> > 
> > People moved to the NEW world to escape the OLD
> world...for freedom
> > 
> > Let us put warnings on knives: "beware cutting
> yourself"
> > 
> > replace lawnmower blades with weedeater cord
> > 
> > drive to the pharmacy every time meds are due
> > 
> > pad all steps in case somebody falls down
> > 
> > What can we do for a bunch of angry arrogant little
> boys off
> > their meds and skateboards learning a little bit about
> admin and becoming God!
> > 
> > We can pad their rooms so they don't hurt
> themselves!
> > 
> > Let them take up programming and THAT will put them in
> their place.
> > 
> > Understanding concepts is the basis for intelligence
> > 
> You forgot eliminating seat belts, air bags, anti-lock
> breaks.
> People need to learn not to run into things, and how to
> stop on
> slippery surfaces. Why help them?
> Get rid of door locks and alarm systems while you are it.
> So what if
> someone takes something that was left in your car, or
> drives away
> with the car.
> Stop plowing and salting roads. People can learn to drive
> through
> the snow, and handle slippery roads. After all, I did.
> Driving
> through 2' of snow is fun!
> Get rid of traffic lights and stop signs. Drivers will
> figure out
> who gets to go through the intersection first. (Big trucks
> have the right of way!)
> Get rid of those pesky door and window locks on houses that
> make you
> have to carry a key to get in.
> Lets not forget about those pesky digital garage door
> opener
> controls that make you enable each new control so that it
> will open
> your door. It was a lot more fun when you could drive down
> the
> street and open up everybody's garage door!
> While you are at it, why not eliminate air traffic
> controllers -
> think of the money that would be saved if we didn't
> have to pay
> them. Never mind about plains crashing into each other -
> the pilots
> can handle things, right?
> Why would we need any of these things? People got by
> without them
> years ago, so why would they need them now?
> Mikkel
> -- 
>   Do not meddle in the affairs of dragons,
> for thou art crunchy and taste good with Ketchup!
> -- 
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> fedora-list@xxxxxxxxxx
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also spell check!!!   plains should be spelled planes

every one of those checks has been defeated and many are even touted to create worse problems

On TV a guy in California with 41 DUIs



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