Re: "internet calendar"

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Agile Aspect wrote:
Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
François Patte wrote:

I am looking for a calendar that could be synchronized through the Internet.
As (almost) everybody I have several machines --- office, home, office
abroad, internet café...), and only one "central server" at my
university. I am wondering if there exists a calendar system which could
be on my central server and which I could use anywhere; something like
my mail: I use imap, everything is on the server and whenever I change
something in my mailboxes, changes are available everywhere.

A good think will be something like a plugin in the mail reader (I use
I use the lightning plugin in Thunderbird, and I can sync it with both 
a local Calendar and an Internet Calendar (Provider for Google Calendar).
Which only works under a 32 bit Thunderbird?
Nope, I'm running on an x86_64 laptop.  There *are* beta plugins 
available, you just have to look for them.  I did, and I found them.
(I just don't remember *where* I found them off the top of my head.)

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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