Re: Plymouth + intelfb (i965) ?

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Caitlyn O'Hanna wrote:

I remember reading in some note (preview release note?) that Plymouth
wasn't working with intelfb quite yet.  I was wondering if that still
holds true (I installed the preview release on my laptop) and where I
can go to find out more about it, e.g. development status of intelfb
and/or Plymouth.

My laptop has an intel X3100 (i965GM I think) and in the couple of
attempts that I've tried I was unable to get any results using
"video=intelfb...", I was able to get something by specifying "vga=864"
but IIRC the aspect ratio wasn't correct.

If things aren't quite there yet, where can I go to help out?  The one
time I saw the graphical boot of Plymouth, I was astonished :)  It is a
very good piece of work.
Does vga=0x318 work?


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