Re: Script errors while livecd-creator is running yum

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dexter wrote:
2008/12/3 Bruno Wolff III <bruno@xxxxxxxx>:
On Wed, Dec 03, 2008 at 16:16:03 +0000,
 dexter <dex.mbox@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
A correct assumption, but all the times I've seen such errors its been
down to bad package selection in kickstart files! are you using the
official games kickstart as a base or is it totally homebrew?
Pretty much the official one. I had to comment out starfighter which has
been removed. It includes fedora-live-base.ks so I would expect it to
install things it needs.

Something could be wrong with the repo build as in the short term I have
been using a repo made from f10 and koji packages, but I didn't see any errors
for the groups. (I did have that issue previously, but had fixed it.)
I've also pulled the latest from koji to my local repo then re-run
createrepo on it to no detriment.

Should I expect core-utils to be installed before any of the problem
packages? If so I could verify that and see if that looks like the cause.
Also the references to touch all seemed to be missing a path; could there
be a default path issue?
Yes its part of the @core group so it should be part of all normal spins!
It could be a path issue like you say but from the powermanger.spec in F9
gtk-update-icon-cache is given a full path and touch isn't and they both fail?
weird, file bugz on livecd-creator (post number) or ask again on the

touch --no-create %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :
%{_bindir}/gtk-update-icon-cache --quiet %{_datadir}/icons/hicolor || :

I added the coreutils package to both my base ks and the specific ks that I am using.
It got added at package 756 of 1886.  Well before the previous test, and 
I had no package script errors in the 756 first packages, and none after 
that, either.
This really looks like a yum package priority issue, not a PATH issue.

I am wondering if I need to take the time to manually expand all groups specified in the kickstarts to get yum to prioritize them correctly.

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