Lars E. Pettersson wrote:
My log is filling up with:
Aug 23 12:20:36 localhost NetworkManager: <info> (wlan0): supplicant
connection state change: 6 -> 7
Aug 23 12:20:38 localhost NetworkManager: <info> (wlan0): supplicant
connection state change: 7 -> 6
Aug 23 12:20:38 localhost NetworkManager: <info> (wlan0): supplicant
connection state change: 6 -> 7
Aug 23 12:20:40 localhost NetworkManager: <info> (wlan0): supplicant
connection state change: 7 -> 6
Is there anyone out there that might be able to shed some light on this
issue? I.e. what is going on, and how I can fix it?
Answering my own message. By looking at the source code I get that state
6 is "GROUP_HANDSHAKE", and state 7 is "COMPLETED" (from
wpa_supplicant_state_txt() in wpa_supplicant.c). So for some reason a
handshake is initiated each second second. But why?
I forgot to mention before; this is a fully updated Fedora 9
installation on a Dell XPS M1330, with a Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless
4965 card using the iwl4965 kernel module, and an old 3Com 3CRWE454G72
access point set up to use WPA and a hidden SSID. Signal strength is
excellent and speed is 54 Mbps.
I have also noticed the following line from time to time in the logs, at
the moment I have no idea what this means...:
Aug 24 16:55:07 localhost kernel: iwl4965: index 255 not used in uCode
key table.
Any ideas on why this is happening?
Lars E. Pettersson <lars@xxxxxxxx>
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