Bjoern Tore Sund wrote:
It has now been a full week since the first announcement that Fedora
had "infrastructure problems" and to stop updating systems. Since
then there has been two updates to the announcement, none of which
have modified the "don't update" advice and noen of which has been
specific as to the exact nature of the problems. At one point we
received a list of servers, but not services, which were back up and
The University of Bergen has 500 linux clients running Fedora. We
average one reinstall/fresh install per day, often doing quite a lot
more. Installs and reinstalls has had to stop completely, nightly
updates have stopped, and until the nature of the problem is revealed
we don't even know for certain whether it is safe for our IT staff to
type admin passwords to our (RHEL-based, for the most part) servers
from these work stations.
Sometimes unfortunate events happen beyond anyone's control. We
understand this as well as anyone. We trust the assurances that the
infrastructure team is working hard on resolving matter and are greatful to them for the
job they do. So far nothing that has happened with this issue has
reflected poorly on them.
Sadly, the same cannot be said about the Management of the Fedora
project. Their choice of complete non-disclosure is enough to
eradicate any and all confidence that Fedora is a trustworthy platform
for Linux installations. What information they have released has been
deliberately vague and, frankly, useless. For a day or two to secure
things this may be a workable strategy. For a full week, not giving
the community participants any chance whatsoever to protect themselves
from threats indicated but not specified? This is poor management and
poor judgement and reflects very badly not only on the Fedora project
but on Fedora's RedHat sponsor as well. The issue is more than
serious enough and has gone on for more than long enough that someone
higher up the scale should have stepped in a long time ago and made
sure that all relevant info was released to the community.
We strongly encourage both the Fedora management and RedHat as a
Fedora sponsor to immediately release any and all information relating
to the current infrastructure problems.
-BT, linux client architect, University of Bergen
Hi, I work in an environment very similar to yours a University in New
Zealand. And while I understand your frustration and agree that this
situation and the communication surrounding it have been managed poorly
I will say that we as administrators can not blame Fedora if we make
their infrastructure to critical to our own systems. For example we can
make our own local repositories and we can control / test updates to try
and minimize the risks from events such as this.
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