On 平成 20/08/01, at 10:45, Joel Rees wrote:
Been mucking around with my vintage clamshell ibook, trying to get
fedora 9 to install in a multiboot configuration.
Today I hit what appears to be a show-stopper for me. I try to cut
a 1 MB apple_boot partition and the partitioning software gives me
an error, says the size change can't be communicated to the kernel
until the next reboot. If I cut an apple_boot partition larger than
1MB, the installer will not proceed, telling me the partition is
too large.
I don't (yet) have enough experience with yaboot to try working
around this catch-22 in the installer.
I figured I had enough time to install Fedora single-boot on the
iBook for a couple of days and see what I could figure out.
(Installing from the net-install CD.)
But I hit another snag. This time, I decided to just let the
installer do the default partitioning scheme. It build, IIRC, the
apple boot partition and a big partition for LVM. No swap partition.
Then it gave me an error again where the partitioning stage could not
Sorry for not recording more information, but it looked like LVM
itself is not part of the net-install CD.
At that point, I figured that it was going to take more customization
than I have time to learn how to do with Fedora, so I'm going to go
with openBSD for this project. But,
Anyone successfully running F9 on an iBook?
I'd still like to hear from anyone successfully running F9 on an
iBook, or even on any PPC Macs. Is multi-boot possible? Issues/
successes with the net-boot CD? or with one of the other install CD/
Is there a Fedora list specifically for Macs?
Joel Rees
Joel Rees
(waiting for a 3+GHz ARM processor to come out,
to test Steve's willingness to switch again.)
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