Beartooth wrote:
I have an oldish (four or five year) machine, which I thought had
major mechanical failure -- it would boot from any live CD, but not from
the hard drive. Then a young friend who speaks hardware came and ran
tests on it. He concluded that it just wasn't up to F9.
So I DBANned it, and installed F7 from a live CD I still had.
I've been tweaking the install with pirut -- and frequent reboots
to be sure I hadn't broken anything. On the last one, logging in as user,
I decided to make sure it not only brought up Gnome, but had Gnome as the
default session.
I got a little hasty and careless, hitting enter to soon -- and
*very* inadvertently made the default session KDE, which I happen to be
intensely allergic to.
I can't remember the exact name of the app that lets you change
-- and KDE is acting as if Gnome either didn't exist, or were taboo.
What do I do to get Gnome back onto the login session menu??
switchdesk? Get it from yum.
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