Re: BOINC again !? -- I give up.

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It strikes me that something is *really* broken with Network Manager.
Other services wait until they start before returning to the next item
in the startup sequence.  Network Manager seems to be returning as
ready, before it is, and buggering up other things that follow.
My experience with NM is that it starts, but doesn't actually do anything until you get a gnome/KDE login, particularly for wireless connections. Way too late for any network activity during the init sequence.
For machines with a wired connection I have been in the habit of 
disabling NM and using the good old network service.  Works like a dream 
and doesn't need tampering with.  You can do that through the 
Admin->services gui if you don't like fiddling with the links in the 
init directories.
Having said that I'm still on Fedora 8, so things may have improved. 
(Doesn't sound like it though!)

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