Re: F8 and a GPS -

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Bob Goodwin USA wrote:
I have a Magellan 3100 GPS device that came with a USB cable and a 
collection of Windows software on a CD.
Is there an application for F8 that will permit me to communicate with 
it.  At first I thought I would just plug it in and extract coordinate 
information for my present position but it's not that easy.
It would be even more convenient if I could list a destination address 
from the computer keyboard instead of using the little touch screen 
which doesn't really seem designed for normal human sized finger tips.
It does show up on my XFCE desk top when plugged in and I can list some 
files, none of which seem to be usable in Linux.
Can I do anything with it via Linux?


Take a look at gpsd. The version in the archives does not have udev support, but you can grab that from the gpsd development tree.

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