Re: F8 and a GPS -

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Beartooth wrote:
	Wine 1.0 is out at last; so it's possible you can at last -- with 
it or CrossoverOffice. If you do, please post how here, with a large 
	I have Garmins, with software from Garmin, Maptech,, and 
Delorme -- and I have <curse, snarl, screech> a machine I can run XP on 
just for that.
	Two or three years ago, I worked long and hard, with this list 
and two or three others including CrossoverOffice, to manage under linux. 
I managed to get two of the four suites of software to run under Fedora 
-- but never did get any of them to talk to any of my Garmins.
	There *are* also several linux-native apps -- if you're Alpha 
Plus Technoid enough to use them. Last time I tried, it took not only a 
lot more linux-savvy than I've got, but something like a graduate degree 
in cartography besides.
	Good luck! And  please report in exhaustive detail. Pretty please.

My interest in this project is pretty casual and if it requires Wine or 
Windows software I wont bother.  This computer will boot Windows XP but 
hasn't done so in a long while and I have never tried it with the GPS.  
I did find some GPS related applications listed in Yumex and installed 
whatever looked appropriate but I am still trying to find what I can do 
with them if anything.

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