Re: A way to use wine to run eprom updates for DVD drives?

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Roberto Malinverni wrote:
-----Messaggio originale-----
Date: Sun, 29 Jun 2008 15:09:15 -0700
From: stan <goedigi89__e@xxxxxxx>
Subject: A way to use wine to run eprom updates for DVD drives?


The subject says it all. Is there a way to use wine to update the BIOS on DVD drives (and other devices)? When I tried it, it just hung the process.
Or another way, without using Windows (I don't have any MS OS)?
It depends on the brand of your drives: NEC/OPTIARC can be flashed natively
in Linux
thanks to binflash (it can use both exe and bin files).
Don't have NEC.
In other cases, you have to use something like a "Windows live cd" (I don't
remember the link, but you need a copy of the XP install CD anyway) or a
good old DOS floppy boot disk.
That's what I thought, but wanted to check. :-(

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