Re: Sagem Fast 800 E3 usb modem and Fedora 8

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Frank Cox wrote:
On Sun, 29 Jun 2008 10:45:57 -0700
Craig White <craigwhite@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

yes, that's the idea.
Lovely.  Thank you ever so much.  I just looked up Windows Ethernet Connections
Sharing (which I've never heard of before) and it looks simple enough to set
up.  I just sent my wife a detailed email (Step 1, Step 2, etc) so this should
be no problem to get set up.

Thanks again.  Another success story....

Another food for thought, When your wife gets home, install NXnode,NXclient,NXserver from, on both your Home PC and the Laptop, and if she is connected to the Internet you can make any repairs/modifications
that you want while shes on the road , in the graphics mode.
Hope you get things going.
It just makes me cringe to think, a $Windows computer is bailing out a Linux box.
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