Re: Need help with Toshiba Tecra SD reader

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Luis Orlindo Tedeschi wrote:
Mikkel, thanks a lot. I am new to Fedora and very slow learner. I was
able to download the file tifm-0.8e.tar.bz2. I don't know how to Install
it? Could you give me some help? Thanks.

It is already included with the kernel. If you have the TI chip, you can try "modprobe tifm_sd". If you have the Ricoh chip, you can try "modprove ricoh_mmc".
The link was more for information then anything else. If you get an 
error, post it here. I'll fire up my Toshiba laptop, and check if I 
did anything special to make it work - I have the TI chipset in there.

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