Re: GRUB menu video mode

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Mikkel L. Ellertson wrote:
> I thought that only affected booting the kernel associated with the
> append line, and not the Grub menu.

well, i now have more understanding about grub than i had gained in my last
post, and maybe a little more than a few viewers of this thread, and a lot
more than i had a few months back when i pulled manual and 'info grub' to
learn how to use grub.

i did confirm is my feelings about grub. it stinks.

this is not to brag, just stating a fact, as there have not been any
corrections to my posts.

so, to correct and clarify, here goes;

> i have 'hiddenmenu' in menu.lst and get a plain text menu, and do not get a
> 'gui' menu. what would happen if 'vga=' was placed in 'main body' of
> grub.conf/menu.lst, before 'title' lines?

'hiddenmenu' is to do just that, hide menu and boot default. without
'hiddenmenu', i get a text menu in low resolution.

'hiddenmenu' is on /dev/sda0 '/boot/grub/grub.conf', but i do not boot from
this partition. i boot with /dev/sda, and i have grub read /dev/sdc0
'/boot/grub/menu.lst' and system is on /dev/sdc5. 'hiddenmenu' is not in
/dev/sdc0 '/boot/grub/menu.lst'. [why link if you do not have to?]

'vga=' can not be used to specify screen resolution for menu. seems nothing
can. 'vga=' can be used as 'vga=ext' to spec 'external' at least for pre
grub2, that is, according to grub manual. i did not go back to to see what grub2 is supposed to be able to do.
i have 'vga=794' in 'kernel' line and i do get a hi res boot output of 48 or
52 lines. i have not bothered to count then.

i did try 'vga=794' in body, but no change in resolution of boot menu.

so, herbert, i do not know what to suggest, other than if you can make a
change some how to bios for screen res at boot, do it. i did look thru all
of files that are on my system, but i could not find an answer. your system
may be different.

in closing, i will repeat, grub stinks and in addition, authors of grub
manual suck.




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