Re: F9/KDE4: Can't access screen resolution changes after software install

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I had a similar problem after trying a new video driver - resolution stuck as 600 x 800 and not able to change to a higher resolution from the display setting utility in kde. To get your x settings back you can shut down x with "telinit 3", then log in as root at the command line (not an xterm). Next you run "Xorg --configure" which will generate a new xorg.conf file in the current directory which you must copy to "/etc/X11/xorg.conf" (see "man Xorg"). Finally restart x by "telinit 5".
If you still need to reset your kde settings rename the .kde directory 
in your home and then re login ensuring you specify a kde session.

Don Levey wrote:
Based upon a mention in Linux Journal, I installed the Penumbra: Black Plague demo yesterday on my laptop:
Acer TravelMate 4202WLMi
Inten Centrino Duo 1.66GHz
Intel GMA950, 1280x800
Fedora 9 x86
(hpl.log attached)

At the end of the installation, there were no errors, though it seemed to restart X on my machine. After logging in again, I tried starting the demo just to see that it was working. When I exited it, I found that my desktop had been changed to 800x600. I had hoped that restarting X would reset my settings, but that didn't help. Nor did changing the settings in the game itself.
I am unable to reconfigure my desktop at all. While the correct 
(1280x800) resolution is visible as a selection in System Settings, 
the Apply/Save button is not enabled. This appears to be a specific 
problem in KDE; I can restart X and use another environment (Gnome) at 
the correct resolution.  Likewise ICEwm; in ICEwm I can even start and 
run the game without issue and return to my proper desktop size.
What is particularly odd is that when logging in via KDE it *starts 
up* in the correct resolution, but eventually changes. What happened 
to my machine, and how do I get it back? It's probably just a 
configuration change in one file, but I don't know which one.
Thanks in advance,

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