Re: GRUB menu video mode

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Konstantin Svist wrote:
I think he wants the GRUB menu to appear in a different resolution. AFAIK, GRUB uses the BIOS resolution. Not sure if it's changeable.
konstantin & mikkel,

both correct, i should have read post 4 times instead of just 3.

i am new to grub and there is very minimal 'man' or 'info' on grub. with
00.0 for grub.conf/menu.lst.

i would think that bios would set to minimal screen size as i have seen on
a couple of flat screens. maybe not in his case/system.

i have 'hiddenmenu' in menu.lst and get a plain text menu, and do not get a
'gui' menu. what would happen if 'vga=' was placed in 'main body' of
grub.conf/menu.lst, before 'title' lines?




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