Re: intel3945 WLAN and Siemens ADSL Modem

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d das wrote:
Thanks dear Young and Ellertson for your help. And also to Peter
Skensved who replied to this mail personally. Yes, the Hardware switch
was off. I was quite stupid to not interpret the 'HW RF kill switch
part'. After making the switch on in front of the machine, the
wireless thing is active. But now 'ifup wlan0' is giving this message:

Error for wireless request "Set Mode" (8B06) :
    SET failed on device wlan0; Invalid argument.

Determining IP information for wlan0... failed.

Can anyone please suggest what I have got to do? The ehernet LAN is
working properly between the laptop and the modem. And now I have kept
the ethernet cable unplugged.

Could you post your /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-wlan0? It may help us solve your error. But I do not think that is what is causing the problem. What type of security is your modem/router set up to use? (WEP/WPA/none) If you do not set up the wireless card to use the same security, and/or if you are not using the managed mode on your wireless NIC, you are going not going to get a DHCP lease.

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