Re: grubby: unable to open /boot/boot.b: No such file or directory

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Thomas Rabaix wrote:
Ok, my host install FC4 with lilo, so I update to F8. I suppose the
update script from Fedora keep lilo and don't use grub at all.
not sure about this one. i could never get lilo to boot an fc4 install.
i skipped fc4 -> 7 and fresh installed f8 with grub for boot loader.

i had continuous problems trying to get lilo to boot f8 and at time,
grub was a practical and easy way out.

i you *have to have* lilo, best to log their site and check forums, faqs
for info. i understand it can be done and will check in future as to just
how to do it.

Now how can I reinstall lilo to make boot.b appears. I have only one
chance :) (remote location)

I am not sure that my system will reboot properly without this file,
am i right ?
run 'lilo -v -t <enter>' for 'verbose test' to see what will happen.

being you are remote, if you have both fc4 and f8 installed, set your
'lilo.conf' to boot f8 via _selection_ and old kernel by default. this
way, you fall back to a good install.





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