Re: Periodic Fedora 9 system hangs with jumpy mouse

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Deron Meranda wrote:
No, there's no difference.  These are all equivalent (on Linux):
  kill -15 pid
  kill -TERM pid
  kill -s 15 pid
  kill -s TERM pid
i am old unix head and have always used numbers. never tried names,
or numbers less than '-7' or great than '-15'.

i just did a quick look in 'special edition using linux' 4th edition
by jack tackett, jr. and steven burnett, published by que, pgs 400 ->
402 and found that linux has more 20 signals. things have changed.

anyway, getting a little peeved, i did a google-linux-advanced search
for [ "Xorg" AND "100%" ] and got

  69,300 English pages for "Xorg" AND "100%". (0.28 seconds)

i then added 'cpu' for

  24,200 English pages for "Xorg" AND "100%" AND "cpu". (0.82 seconds)

so either there are a whole lot of dupes, or 'you are not alone'.

being that a lot of 1st 40 that i looked at are graphics card and driver
related, it may be better if you were to give google-linux-advanced a
shot to see how much you can narrow things down.

i do wish i could be of more help, but it is looking like your problem is
system related.

When I sent signals via kill to the process, I could occasionally
noticeable affect on the Xorg process.

I then did a SIGSTOP on the Xorg process.  It remained in
at 0, regardless of any additional kills sent to it.
all of in between above and below, tends to show me that it would have
to do with graphics card and driver.

I still have not seen any messages show up in syslog, dmesg,
So this looks like some strange kernel interaction with Xorg.

Any ideas?  Is there any other information I can get when
the Xorg process does this again that might help figure this
just for fun and practice of card swapping, do you have a different
graphics card to try with different drivers?

do you boot level 3 or level 5. boot level 3, if cpu usage is low, then 'startx' to see what happens. mono verses color.
from level 3 boot, remove driver, then use 'yum install' to bring your
driver back in and reboot to load it. driver may be fried.

kde, gnome? have you tried any minimal desktops? something may, tho i
would doubt, be different in how you bring up x.

xorg group may be you best hope. how to reach them is another story. all
that is up on internet, last i checked, is a wiki, and it is not much.

like maybe, they are aware. <bwg>

for sure, you have found a 'good one'.





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