Re: Can't read/mount SD flash memory card in builtin reader.

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Richard Shaw wrote:
I am having trouble getting Fedora 9 (x86_64 live cd) to read my SD
card using a built-in Ricoh MMC reader on an HP 8510 laptop (Core 2
Duo). I get mmcblk0 and mmcblk0p1 in /dev but any attempt to read the
card fails. I see an icon in Nautilus but after opening it and a brief
pause I get an error "Can't read superblock". Also, any attempt to
inspect the device in parted or fdisk also fail. They both complain
about lables but I'm not sure if they are talking about filesystem
labels or volume lables. I can't see why the latter would cause an
issue. I tried the mklabel command in parted setting it to msdos but
it couldn't complete... I'm in Windows XP right now and it's reading
it fine.

What do you get if you run "parted -l /dev/mmcblk0"?

What does running "lsmod | egrep 'mmc|ricoh|sdhci'" produce?

It sounds like the reader may be in the wrong mode. But my experience is with the TI version of the built-in reader. It is also possible that the ricoh_mmc module is not being loaded.

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