Re: Firefox3 > Send Link > won't use Thunderbird

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Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Mon, 2008-06-23 at 12:29 -0400, Jim wrote:
Robin Laing wrote:
Jim wrote:
Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Sun, 2008-06-22 at 14:21 -0400, Jim wrote:
Patrick O'Callaghan wrote:
On Sun, 2008-06-22 at 12:04 -0400, Jim wrote:
Fc8, Firefox 3
When using File > Send Link in Firefox 2 it would open Thunderbird to send link, but in Firefox3 the feature doesn't work. In /,mozilla/firefox/default/user.js file, to select thunderbird, but it won't work in Firefox 3.
Below is contents of  user.js

user_pref("browser.tabs.showSingleWindowModePrefs", true);

What's different in FF3 ??
AFAIK this is a GTK setting, not specific to Firefox (FF uses GTK). Try setting TB in the Gnome Preferred Applications dialogue. If you use KDE,
run gnome-control-center to get to it.


Sorry about that, I'am running  KDE and I don't have

gnome-control-center  installed, do you know howto do this in KDE ?
Thanks for your responds.
No I don't, but note that FF is a GTK application compiled with GTK
libraries so KDE has no direct way of controlling it. You could probably
edit the gconf files directly, but I don't recommend it. Just run "yum
install control-center". It won't get in the way of using KDE.


Boy that sure is a weird way of having to set it up, but that did the trick , Thanks for the help Even tho I'm not a Gnome user, I think I'll keep that Gnome-control-center.

On F8 I am using the REMI version of Thunderbird and FF3 with no issues on KDE.
Yeah I found that out when I installed it on my brother's x86_64 computer last night, everything installed without a hitch. But for some reason it didn't go that easy on my x86_64 box. But one thing I did find out , by having to install Gnome-control-center or rpm "control-center" to setup Thunderbird as mail client. That the Gnome-control-center is very helpful in KDE, It closely knitted to Fedora, than KDE's Control Center is. So I now have a new Icon on my Desktop. Please don't tell my KDE friends that I found a app. in Gnome that is better than in KDE.
It has nothing to do with being "better". As I already said, Firefox is
a Gnome application and pays attention to the Gconf database (Gnome's
equivalent of the Windows Registry). KDE uses a completely different
system for storing configuration info. You need the Gnome tools for some
Gnome stuff and the KDE tools for some KDE stuff.


Well !!, Then I got the best of both worlds.

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