Re: Changing initrd contents and grub

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Richard Michael wrote:
Hello list,

I've changed my RAID and LVM configuration and need to modify the
respective commands in the /init of my initrd.

I made those changes by decompressing and extracting the cpio archive,
editting the init script (add a couple lines for mdadm, changed the
activated volume group name), rebuilt a cpio archive (using the correct
"-c"/"-H newc" SVR4 format) and fed it back through gzip (max
compression), then I just moved aside the old initrd, replacing it with
my new one:

mkdir /boot/tmp
cd !$
gzip -dc ../initrd-<version> | cpio -id
vi init
find . -depth -print | cpio -oc | gzip -9 > ../initrd-<version>.new cd ..
mv initrd-<version> initrd-<version>.orig
mv initrd-<version>.new initrd-<version>

The kernel now panics (paraphrase) "can't find /init".

It does not do this if I restore the original initrd.

I have not changed the name of the initrd, filenames match grub.conf and
grub's boot menu, etc.  I have done this type of modification
successfully in the past, but only changing a single character in /init.
Just a thought here, since I have also tried this several times with 
limited success:
The whole point of mkinitrd is to avoid these 'by hand' operations.

After you make your changes, run mkinitrd to generate a new initrd. It will pick up changes in /etc/modprobe.conf and /etc/fstab and try to do the right thing. Besides that, mkinitrd will accept arguments that allow additional drivers to be loaded, with arguments if needed, as well as many other options.
I am pretty sure that a modern mkinitrd will make almost all need for 
manual edits of an initrd image unnecessary.
Good luck!

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