Re: Any hope of KDE 3.5 in F10? I want it too !

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On June 22, 2008 8:00:27 am Marcelo Magno T. Sales wrote:
> Em Domingo 22 Junho 2008, Kelly Miller escreveu:
> > > And don't give me the crap that Fedora is bleeding edge software.
> > > F9 is beyond bleeding, its suicidal.
> >
> > Actually, I find that greatly ironic, as I switched temporarily to
> > openSUSE because IMO Fedora isn't moving fast ENOUGH for my taste.  I
> > really really want to run KDE 4.1 (which IS most definitely usable as
> > a desktop, and a rather excellent one I might add), but Fedora only
> > has it in Rawhide, and uh... Rawhide blows up way too often for my
> > liking.  I'm probably going to switch back to Fedora when KDE 4.1 is
> > finally released for Fedora 9.
> KDE 4.0.83 is available for Fedora in kde-redhat unstable repo. It works
> quite well.
> []'s
> Marcelo

That had to have changed recently (as in, the last month or so), because I 
actually checked for a F-9 port of KDE 4.1 beta in kde-redhat when I upgraded, 
and didn't find one.  I always hook into kde-redhat, even though it's not as 
much use now as it was when I started with FC5 (since most of what kde-redhat 
had is now in Fedora itself).

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