Re: Any hope of KDE 3.5 in F10? I want it too !

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Craig White wrote:
On Sat, 2008-06-21 at 20:28 -0400, Matthew Saltzman wrote:
On Sat, 2008-06-21 at 23:24 +0000, Kevin Kofler wrote:
Craig White <craigwhite <at>> writes:
People who do software development wouldn't care whether it's KDE 3.5 or
Actually they'll want KDE 4. Who wants to develop against an obsolete API?
KDE developers, sure.  There's other software in the world than
GUI-based desktop apps.
and it was this class that I was referring to.

people who develop software can maneuver around little things that are
missing or don't seem to work properly.

the issue of unleashing KDE-4 on less technically skilled, un-savvy
computer users is something that I'm still balking at but I'm not
complaining...just noting. I have no choice because I am dealing with a
bunch of users that save files to their desktop and drag them where they
want them and simply do not understand file-save dialog boxes and how to
move around in them.

That sounds like quite a task.



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