Re: How to boot from floppy to install Fedora 9 from CD?

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cjakeman wrote:
I've downloaded Fedora 9 and burned onto 6 CDs in ISO format hoping to install on an old PC in place of WinME. I find that the PC won't boot from the CD drive - probably too old.

How can I proceed? Do I need boot.img? Where can I get it from?

The boot.img you need for a 2.6 kernel has never fit on a floppy.  There 
are several other approaches, the simplest being a floppy boot that can 
proceed to boot the CD.  This was the first thing that popped up in a 
search but it should work regardless of the OS:'t_boot_from_CD

Or, if the PC will boot from a USB flash device you can put the boot image on that (but if it won't boot from CD you are probably out of luck there too).
  Les Mikesell

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