Re: ssh?

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Cameron Simpson wrote:
On 19Jun2008 21:16, Kevin J. Cummings <cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
I only use the ssh 2 protocol. As such, I have/use authorized_keys2. The version without the "2" is for ssh 1 protocol, and its used should be deprecated as its not as secure as ssh 2.
Actually a modern ssh will get ssh2 keys from authorized_keys.
To lock it down you should specify "Protocol 2" in the sshd_config file,
thus forbidding ssh1 in the sshd config, and not by luck with the key file.
Well, I guess I've been using ssh since at least 1995, so my 
configurations pre-date the "change", even though I have migrated to 
protocol 2.  B^)
Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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