Re: Memory, swap, and limits

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On Thu, 19 Jun 2008, Gene Heskett wrote:

On Thursday 19 June 2008, James Kosin wrote:
Sorry, I'm a bit dated and now I've probably revealed my age.
I've been around since the first personal computers and remember when
64K was considered a LOT of memory.

So was I James, but heck, I remember Pearl Harbor, about when the transistor was
invented & I grew up with tubes.  My first computer had a whopping 256 bytes of
ram!  But we should let these youngsters muddle about and learn so they can be
kind to us in our dotage.

The universal thing I widely note, except on most of these lists, is that people
seem to think 'higher' education is a 16 year thing, when in reality school is
in session every day they manage wake up still breathing. :)
I shouldn't encourage off topic banter by participation, but I find I need 
to publically agree with you. School is in session everyday you manage to 
continue breathing. Sadly, many of us are so set in our ways and fictions 
that we are pretty much asleep at school.
YMMV of course.

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