Re: NM alternatives for wireless

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Mark Haney wrote:
Andras Simon wrote:

I have a similar situation, wireless at home and at the office and at Wifi hotspots all over town. To be honest, I've given up on the GUI clients almost completely (NM I think might be coming along, but it's not high on my list to try to debug since I don't use it that often) and have gone with some very simple BASH scripts that let me load whatever configuration I want when I need it. I've never been particularly lucky with loading wireless interfaces on boot (one desktop being the exception, it works perfectly) and load them as I need them.
Granted it's not as user friendly, but it's simple, it works 
consistently for me and it's one less thing I have to worry about.

I have my own personal solution using ifup/ifdown but it requires some modification:

1) wpa_supplicant must be started before the network (default is the opposite)
2) change ifup-wireless and ifcfg-wlan0 to skip all configurations (already done by wpa_supplicant)

then you can do ifup wlan0 and ifdown wlan0, and have it at boot time.

The drawback is that I don't have a way to tell if wpa_supplicant fails.

If you want I can post the exact modifications needed.


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