Re: how to find WEP/WPA key to network if possible

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Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
Why can't the wireless key be found from some other laptop that's using 
the network.  If this is a school, and you are a teacher (I'm talking 
about Antonio here), then another teacher must have configured the 
wireless key on their laptop, no?  If not, then maybe the woreless isn;t 
for the teachers?
The only way this won't work is if the router is also doing MAC 
filtering in addition to the wireless key.  (Even then, there are ways 
around that too, but beyond what I said above, we're talking about 
hacking, which some in the administration may frown upon....)
Well, finding the wireless key on a Windows laptop can be interesting. I am guessing you would have to dig into the registry to find it. I know it is hidden when you look at the wireless settings. (Like when you enter a password.) I have not dug into the registry to see if it is encoded there.
Now, if the administrator did things right, there should be a 
network setup USB key or disk with all the network settings needed 
to connect to the wireless network. It is set up so that all you 
need to do is put it in and auto-run it - it sets things up without 
the user having to know the details or the key. It makes setting up 
a new computer to connect to the wireless network a snap.

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