Re: what kind of /etc/fstab is this?

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From: "Aaron Konstam" <akonstam@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Sunday, 2008, May 25 13:55

On Sun, 2008-05-25 at 12:18 -0400, Todd Zullinger wrote:
Amadeus W.M. wrote:
> I'm not convinced about the utility of having schizophrenic
> partition labels upon install, with no other option. How many people
> run several unixes on the same computer? 5% maybe? Then maybe they
> should be given the option to have ugly labels, and let the rest of
> us have pretty labels by default.

The problem has little to do with running other systems.  Even on the
same fedora install, the device names are not guaranteed to remain
constant.  So either a label or uuid is the safe way to refer to the
partition in fstab.  For the installer, uuid is better, since the
labels it writes are not really all that unique (LABEL=/ comes up a
lot :).
But how do oyu find the correct UUID label?
Relabel them from this typically broken overkill solution. Keeping
the UUID is probably a fairly good idea. I'd keep it at one such
per disk. I'd follow the UUID with the drive's mount point, perhaps
with a mnemonic for the particular install for which the mountpoint
is valid ahead of the mountpoint.

<UUID>FC8-1/    Would be install 1 of FD8 mounted as "/".

And so fourth.

(Of course, you could earn a room without a view at one of the local
funny farms if you tried to actually understand and use the Microsoft
way. I'm scared at how close I am to understanding it. {^_-})

{^_^}   Let's carry this unique ID craze over to directory labels.
       Imagine a system invader trying to find your home directory.

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