Re: livecd on USB kernel upgrade?

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On 05/24/2008 08:04 PM, Mick M. wrote:
Hello list;
 I created and updated a live F9 USB drive on a 2G stick.

[root@localhost ~]# livecd-iso-to-disk  --overlay-size-mb 1131 /home/mick/MyDownloads/Fedora-9-i686-Live-KDE.iso /dev/sdc1

Then did a "yum upgrade" in small stages on it.
What I would like to know is how to get the new kernel loaded.

I made the initrd fine.
There is no grub.conf in /boot/grub.
If you hit tab at the boot screen the kernel line looks something like this:
vmlinuz0 initrd0.img root=UUID=XYXYXrw quiet liveimg overlay=UUID=XYXYXY rhgb check

Any ideas?

Mick M.
Hi Mick,

I don't think this is possible. I believe persistence was added to allow simple system changes and for user data to survive rebooting. Kernel upgrades don't work - at least not for me when I tried it. On the other hand you might try mounting your usb stick and adding your own kernel and initrd to the syslinux directory, but this may take a lot of time and still not work. A better solution may be to just install a "regular" linux distro onto your usb stick?

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