Re: Thunderbird Thread balloons

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Mike Evans wrote:
Kevin J. Cummings wrote:
Can someone tell me why my thread "balloons" in Thunderbird are messed up? I now have 2 machines the same way..... Please see attached pic.


Mine have always looked like that - I think! What's the problem? I have noticed that there's nothing to explicitly collapse or expand all threads, and it's a real shame that you can't delete an entire thread easily. The work-around for the first problem seems to be to move to another mailbox and then back, whereupon all the threads are collapsed.
Aren't they supposed to look like cartoon conversation balloons?   I 
*hate* the way the look now.  Looks like some extended ASCII art 
character or something else.  Maybe I'm just used to what it used to be. 
 If this is the correct behaviour it looks like it is broken.  Now that 
I think about it, it *does* look like the lines to the right connecting 
the threads.  Yuck.  Just my $0.02

Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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