Re: Fedora 9 disk full problem

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Try comparing the output of:

du -sh /var/log/httpd


df -h /var/log/httpd

If the condition that Michael is talking about is occurring:

"If you have deleted files that a process has open, they still take up space until that process is ended, but du won't see them. "
You'll see the space discrepancy when comparing the output of the two  
above mentioned commands. (df measures filesystem blocks, while du  
adds up space taken by files as listed in the inode table. Deleted  
files that were being used by a process will not show in the inode  
table, thus du won't include them. df will notice that the reserved  
filesystem blocks held open by the process.)
Try restarting httpd, if that doesn't help, use fuser to determine  
what process may still be reserving filesystem blocks.

On May 24, 2008, at 2:45 PM, M A Young wrote:

On Sat, 24 May 2008, f f wrote:

du said I have ~30gb in /var/log/httpd. now that was could have been some log file... the problem is that i only installed the system yesterday and just started apache for like 2-3 hours. anyway
It sounds like you have some apache configuration fault that is  
resulting in out of control logging. I suggest you examine the logs  
and work out what the root cause is.
all ok for 1-2 hours, now again disk full, but du says its ok
du adds up the sizes of the files it can see. If you have deleted  
files that a process has open, they still take up space until that  
process is ended, but du won't see them. Probably it is also worth  
forcing an fsck of the file system, just to be on the safe side in  
case the problem is due to disk corruption (though this is probably  
	Michael Young

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