Re: repository for thunderbird [solved]

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g wrote:
On Sat, 2008-05-24 at 11:51 -0700, Daniel B. Thurman wrote:
> Ah, I shoulda -kept my mouth shut- and tried harder!

so what did you do?

The configuration I have is too darn long to write it all up here, but
my specific issue what that I was getting a LIMITED subscription list.

Referring to: Edit->Account Settings...->Server Settings->Advanced...
(You have to expand the dialog box - it can be hidden to the right-middle.)

I think I got into trouble when I read somewhere how to define the IMAP
server directory and some (idiot) mentioned to put the GAL definition for
the Exchange server in the "IMAP server directory field".  Oh, that'll do it
- it will only allow what I said before: "Inbox", "Junk", and "Trash".

My problem went away, then I cleared out the above field, then unchecked
"Show only subscribed folders", checked "Server supports folders that contain
sub-folders and messages" and checked "Use IDLE command if the server
supports it". Next, I clicked OK and saved the configuration.

Next, you need to right-click on the account name item in the left-window-pane, and select: Subscribe...". Then decide for yourself what folders/sub-folders want
to see in your left-pane list for that account.

Of course, if you are using exchange as your IMAP server, some of the
applications like Calendar, Journal, Notes (etc.) are not supported by
Thunderbird, but that is ok by me.

I am now happy as a clam!

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