Re: Sun java plugin on FC9 x64 (with 32 bit firefox)

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Agreed. I would love to use an oss version of java if possible. Unfortunately some of the applets just don't work as expected -- be it because the oss java isn't working right or the silly applets I am using test for specific version numbers -- I don't much care. Clearly its pretty ridiculous that sun has still not released a compatible plugin at this point (see the 'bug' reports for the latest linux plugin), but I digress... I have an i386 version of FC9 here that works with this 32 bit version of the java plugin and these applets work on it. Bottom line -- I want the same on 64 bit if possible. Is there a way to have a 64bit FC9 os running while having the sun branded java plugin working? I am willing to jump through as many hoops as possible, assuming its not 'reinsall with i386'. Btw nswrapper clearly states they do not support sun java.

Francis Earl wrote:
On Fri, 2008-05-23 at 17:31 -0500, Dennis Gilmore wrote:
On Friday 23 May 2008, John Priddy wrote:
Has anyone been able to get this to work on FC9 x64?

I have installed jre-6u6-linux-i586.bin, then overwrote various binaries
from jre-6u6-linux-x64.bin.  Then using yum I removed 64 bit firefox,
installed 32, and then linked
/usr/java/jre1.6.0_06/plugin/i386/ns7/ in
/usr/lib/mozilla/plugins .  I load up firefox, and i see it under
about:plugins.  But no matter what java applet I try to use with it, it
dumps on itself -- Am I missing some other required libraries here?


why not use java-1.6.0-openjdk provided with fedora? it works just fine in 64bit firefox as a native 64bit plugin.
It doesn't work for popular sites like I wish I could
figure out why... been trying to get it working since test3 of Fedora 8.

They transferred all plugin capability to nspluginwrapper on all archs
also, which of course doesn't even support java. I'm not entirely sure
why/how it even shows up in about:plugins

I guess I'm asking if anyone knows what magic is required for that all
to function, has anyone gotten java to work on with
Fedora 8/9?

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