Re: Recommendation for FC9 graphics card

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Luke Sheldrick wrote:

On 23/05/2008 00:11, "Kevin J. Cummings" <cummings@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
    What's wrong with using the NVidia Legacy drivers?  They still work with
    the older cards that are no longer supported by the bleeding edge NVidia
    drivers.  I'm still using the 96xx drivers with my MX-400 card on F8.
    F9 may have other problems, 2.6.25 is a problem in general as the
    proprietary drivers struggle to catch up with the API changes in the new
Did you manage to get dual-head to work?
No, I'm not (yet) using dual head.  I'm using them for the 3D support 
for MythTV.
What drivers were you using? The ones from nvidia, or nv..etc?
NVidia from Livna but on F8.  I did notice that F9 versions had been 
released however.  My F9 machine has an ATI graphics card.
Kevin J. Cummings
Registered Linux User #1232 (

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