Re: 82801H (ICH8 Family) NO sound

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Justin Conover wrote:
I've struggled with this since i"ve had this laptop. Fedora 7/8 I was able to build the alsa-driver from mercurial repository and it worked. So far I haven't been able to do that in Fedora 9.
If I file a bug, what does it fall under, kernel, pulseaudio or 
something else.
Would you download and run the script at this location
and then post back the link so that people can see your sound setup? The script scans your machine and extracts out things relevant for diagnosis and puts them on a website. It gives you a link to the information that you can post here.
It will help determine where the problem is.  I've been able to compile 
the latest HG drivers and library on Fedora 9 and they run without a 
problem though I don't have an ICH8 card.  But there might be something 
specific to your setup besides the card.
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