Re: mounting filesytem for homedir

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Guillaume wrote:

i try to mount EXT3 partition in the /home/username directory but i'm
hae some issue with ACL.
here is the process i use to reach this goal:
 * create the user
 * check the ACLs on this directory ( /home/user 770 user:user)
 * check the group on the special file ( /dev/sda1 root:user)
 * mount the filesystem (fsttab => /dev/sda1 /home/backup ext3
iocharset=utf8,group,noatime )
 ->> fail... only user root can do this.
 * if i mount the filesystem with the superuser ACL on the directory
/home/user change and look like this : (/home/user 775 root:root)
   this is not good and i would like to have 770 user:user

Can you help me fixing this problem ?
many thanks.

You need to make sure that /home/user has the correct permission on it before
you mount the disk, and then after you mount the disk you need to again make
sure the correct permission is on /home/user.

If you have user:user on /home/user before the mount, but not on /home/user
after the mount (actually on "." on the filesystem on the disk part) then the most restrictive of the two permissions will be used. If either permission is wrong, there will be problems. It is not typically a problem with directories like home since /home is owned by root, but is a problem when a user owns the entire partition filesystem.

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