Re: Synaptic

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Allan Swanepoel wrote:
2008/5/22 Erik Slagter <erik@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
Anyone else have problems with synaptic since F9?

When packages (any) are installed, it throws an error like "cpio: invalid
md5sum". The downloaded packages from the cache install fine using rpm
itself, so the packages are OK (which I suspected).
Clean synaptic cache, and rebuild the cache. This will create new
md5sums for all repos. This usually fixes the issue. I had this once,
when F8 was just launched.
This is actually another problem that I am familiar with. Synaptic 
complains about incorrect md5sums of repository files. Doing rm 
/var/cache/apt/* /usr/lib/apt/lists/* usually does the trick.
OTOH synaptic complains about *packages* having a wrong md5sum, while 
installing and also mentions cpio. This is another problem that's new to 
me (and also I don't know a workaround).

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