Re: Strange Grub problem with Fedora 9 install

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Michael D. Setzer II wrote:
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I just upgraded a system that had XP and Fedora 8 to Fedora 9 with a clean install. The XP is on hd0 and the Linux is on hd1. With Fedora 8, this was installed and worked with no problem.
After installing Fedora 9, the system would initially not boot either OS. A 
check of the grub optoin showed the drives were reversed, it was using hd0 
I noticed that when I installed the live CD of Fedora 9 it reversed the order of PATA and SATA drives from previous versions. Maybe this is something new in the 2.6.25 kernel. And might be related to your problem or not.
for the linux, and hd1 for the XP. Using th grub edit option, I was able to edit the boot line, and correct it, and then later made the changes in the grub.conf file itself. Had some problems with the grub edit option not working, and had to try it a couple times to get it to change, but after physically changing the file, it can boot boot with either OS with no problem.

Michael D. Setzer II - Computer Science Instructor Guam Community College Computer Center mailto:mikes@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx mailto:msetzerii@xxxxxxxxx
Guam - Where America's Day Begins +----------------------------------------------------------+
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