Re: Live USB creation - FROM Live CD ?

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Mogens Kjaer wrote:
Michael Wiktowy wrote:
If I understand correctly, I think what Valent is asking is can you
boot to a LiveCD and run
/usr/bin/livecd-iso-to-disk /path/to/live.iso /dev/sdb1
in that environment, pointing /path/to/live.iso to the running LiveCD
itself. I was wondering the same thing but I don't think it is
possible quite yet.
So, where do I put the request to make that a feature of the GUI Live USB tool that's coming in the future? Bugzilla feature request? E-mail to Luke and Kushal?
There's nothing I hate more than downloading or finding an .iso file to 
make a live USB stick when I'm sitting around with a burned piece of 
media that essentially has what I need. I'd love to be able to use any 
of the following to make a USB stick:
- the Live CD I am running off of
- another Live CD that I can insert
- an .iso file that I can point to
- an automatically downloaded file

It looks like the Windows tool does the last two. I hate the idea of booting to Windows, just to use a GUI tool, and I really hope the GTK/Qt implementations come along quickly. It is awesome to get Windows people to try the distro out though.
Live USB sticks rock, for installation and for usage. I use it all the 
time, except when I want to give someone something to take with them or 
if the machine is too old to boot from USB. I have a spool of printable 
CDs that I save for just such an occasion. If they have a USB stick 
ready, I think the command-line scripting is not nearly as cool as 
having a nice point-and-click application. It impresses potential 
Windows converts, and might you from annihilating the wrong partition, 
as Karsten Wade blogged about recently.
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