Re: PATH Issues

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Bill Crawford wrote:
2008/5/21 Sieranski, Greg <greg.sieranski@xxxxxxxxxxxx>:
again with everything being added twice. This is really strange. Any
Also, what's in /etc/bashrc and ~/.bashrc ?

     1 # /etc/bashrc
     3 # System wide functions and aliases
     4 # Environment stuff goes in /etc/profile
     6 # By default, we want this to get set.
     7 # Even for non-interactive, non-login shells.
     8 if [ $UID -gt 99 ] && [ "`id -gn`" = "`id -un`" ]; then
     9 »·······umask 002
    10 else
    11 »·······umask 022
    12 fi
    14 # are we an interactive shell?
    15 if [ "$PS1" ]; then
    16     case $TERM in
    17 »·······xterm*)
    18 »·······»·······if [ -e /etc/sysconfig/bash-prompt-xterm ]; then
19 »·······»·······»·······PROMPT_COMMAND=/etc/sysconfig/bash-prompt-xterm
    20 »·······»·······else
21 »······· »···PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033]0;${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/#$HOME/~}"; echo -ne "\007"'
    22 »·······»·······fi
    23 »·······»·······;;
    24 »·······screen)
    25 »·······»·······if [ -e /etc/sysconfig/bash-prompt-screen ]; then
26 »·······»·······»·······PROMPT_COMMAND=/etc/sysconfig/bash-prompt-screen
    27 »·······»·······else
28 »·······»·······PROMPT_COMMAND='echo -ne "\033_${USER}@${HOSTNAME%%.*}:${PWD/#$HOME/~}"; echo -ne "\033\\"'
    29 »·······»·······fi
    30 »·······»·······;;
    31 »·······*)
32 »·······»·······[ -e /etc/sysconfig/bash-prompt-default ] && PROMPT_COMMAND=/etc/sysconfig/bash-prompt-default
    33 »·······    ;;
    34     esac
    35     # Turn on checkwinsize
    36     shopt -s checkwinsize
    37     [ "$PS1" = "\\s-\\v\\\$ " ] && PS1="[\u@\h \W]\\$ "
    38 fi
    40 if ! shopt -q login_shell ; then # We're not a login shell
41 »·······# Need to redefine pathmunge, it get's undefined at the end of /etc/profile
    42     pathmunge () {
43 »·······»·······if ! echo $PATH | /bin/egrep -q "(^|:)$1($|:)" ; then
    44 »·······»·······»·······if [ "$2" = "after" ] ; then
    45 »·······»·······»·······»·······PATH=$PATH:$1
    46 »·······»·······»·······else
    47 »·······»·······»·······»·······PATH=$1:$PATH
    48 »·······»·······»·······fi
    49 »·······»·······fi
    50 »·······}
    52 »·······for i in /etc/profile.d/*.sh; do
    53 »·······»·······if [ -r "$i" ]; then
    54 »·······»·······»·······. $i
    55 »·······fi
    56 »·······done
    57 »·······unset i
    58 »·······unset pathmunge
    59 fi
    60 # vim:ts=4:sw=4

# .bashrc

# Source global definitions
if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then
»·······. /etc/bashrc

# User specific aliases and functions

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