Re: nautilus-open-terminal and current directory in F9

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Jeffrey Tadlock wrote:
On Tue, May 20, 2008 at 8:08 PM, Amadeus W.M. <amadeus84@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
So did you find the solution? I saw that problem too and I thought it was
weird, but I normally set up a keyboard shortcut in preferences to open a
shell. I virtually never open it from the menu. However, it's beyond my
understanding why someone would configure the menu the way it is now.
Make sure you have gconf-editor installed, if not 'yum install
gconf-editor'.  Once installed run gconf-editor and then go the Apps
section, then look for nautilus-open-terminal.  Put a check mark in
the desktop_opens_home_dir entry.  It will then go back to its old


So take pity on me and tell me,  why can't I find the elusive gconf-editor ?

rpm -qpl | grep gconf-editor

turns up nothing. Attempts to install it indicate that there is nothing to do.
yum search gconf-editor  says "No matches Found"


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