Re: <OT> OLPC program swings to M$

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I participated in the OLPC buy 1 give 1 program to help it grow for two reasons.
One to get the OLPC into the public and used in more places.
Two, to give a kick to MS and Intel over the classmate.

One thing that has come out of the OLPC and the EeePC is forcing MS to keep providing support for XP which they don't want to remain in production.
When I first read about XP on the OLPC, I believed that this was a bad 
issue but at least there was a dual boot option.  Now that I read that 
the dual boot is not going to happen, then I cannot support the project 
as the idea of free and open is totally lost.
My kids liked the Sugar interface but there needs to be more tools to 
make the OLPC useful.  Putting Sugar onto Windows could be a good move 
to get more recognition of OpenSource into the public.
I have not looked at the license for Sugar but I hope it is GPLv3.

I am still not sure what way to think but as long as it keeps MS looking over their shoulder at these small laptops, I am happy.

Robin Laing

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