Re: Any progress on FC9 flash sound issue?

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On Mon, 19 May 2008, Bill Davidsen wrote:

Related note, the "play" app still works for wav files, and PulseAudio always picks the video capture card, if present, as the output soundcard. Since there is no sound in documented or physically visible, this is a bit of a mystery. Happens with two no-name sound cards and an ATI HDTV-Wonder (all BT based, if that helps). Removing the card doesn't make sound work, tried that.
Do you have  libflashsupport  installed ?
It is on the Fedora9 repo

If you aren't getting sound from more than just flash, check all the 
sliders in the volume control, including the ones not displayed by 
default. I had the problem that one of the sliders (possibly Surround) was 
muted. Incidentally, if you have x86_64 you need libflashsupport.i386 as 
well as x86_64.
	Michael Young

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